Nursing Assistant


The Nursing Assistant Program is a 6-week program of full time education which includes a total of 153 hours of instruction (as required by the Arizona State Board of Nursing). The program is designed to prepare students for certification as a nursing assistant. A nursing assistant is a licensed caretaker who assists in performing activities of daily living to persons in skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, and/or doctor's offices. They are supervised by Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses in the healthcare setting. The nursing assistant performs delegated procedures that are commensurate with the Arizona Board of Nursing Nurse Aide Practice Acts. This program is licensed by the Arizona State Board of Nursing.


All interested participants must submit a completed admission application. Participants must have the following:

  • High School diploma or GED
  • An 8th grade reading/comprehension ability
  • Score 8.0 on the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE)
  • 18 years of age or older
  • No criminal history
  • No evidence of drug abuse
  • Ability to pay or qualify for sponsorship from area employment partners/governmental agencies.
  • Ability to fully participate in classroom, laboratory, or clinical setting program activities.
  • Students must also pass a State of Arizona background and fingerprint check in accordance with licensure requirements


To graduate from the Nursing Assistant Program the student must:

  • Pass all required programs of study and internships
  • Pass CPR certification
  • File a completed application for graduation
  • Clear any indebtedness to the training center


To obtain certification through the Arizona State Board of Nursing, students must:

  • Demonstrate citizenship/nationality/alien status documentation
  • Fingerprinting as required by the Arizona State Board of Nursing
  • Negative TB test or public health clearance card
  • Complete an approved nursing assistant training program
  • Complete an application for Certified Nursing Assistant Examination
  • Pass the written and skills tests
  • Felony convictions: According to A.R.S 32-1646(B), an applicant for nursing assistant certification is not eligible for certification if the applicant has any felony convictions and has not received an absolute discharge from the sentences for all felony convictions. The absolute discharge from the sentence for all felony conviction(s) must be received 5 or more years before submitting this application. If you cannot prove that the absolute discharge date is 5 or more years, the Board will notify you that you do not meet the requirements for certification
  • Pay fees (optional)


Clock Hours: 0 Lecture, 0 Lab. Prerequisites: None.
Students will be provided an overall orientation of Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./College of Health Careers and complete required student file forms. During this orientation, students will be provided a short Medical Terminology course with an evaluation at the end of the course to measure understanding. Students will be taught how to "break down" medical terms using prefixes, root words and suffixes to promote a basic understanding of the terminology used in the medical field.

Introduction to Nursing

Clock Hours: 4 Lecture, 0 Lab. Prerequisites: Orientation.
Students will be introduced to the Health Care Agencies they will perform the majority of their skills in. Students will learn about the essential duties, the different regulations that apply to their career path. Students will compare & contrast their own ethical beliefs with those found in the medical field. Privacy will be discussed and confidentiality regulations reviewed.

Infection Control & Safety Measures

Clock Hours: 7 Lecture / 3 Lab. Prerequisites: Introduction to Nursing.
During this course, the students will learn about how infections occur, how they may be transmitted and how to prevent the spread of pathogens. Students will learn and understand Standard Precautions and learn about Blood Borne Pathogen standards as it applies to the workplace. Students will begin the learning process of basic nursing skills by viewing demonstrations and then performing the skill under the supervision of the instructor/assistant. By learning these skills early in the program, the skill will be reinforced for appropriate practices throughout the program.

Body Structure, Function Vital Signs, Mechanics, Positioning & Transfers

Clock Hours: 13 Lecture / 5 Lab. Prerequisites: Infection Control & Safety Measures.
During this course, the students will learn about the Anatomy & Physiology of the Human Body. Students will learn and understand the basic interactions that occur in the normal person. Students will be able to recognize common body disorders by comparing the "normal" to what is actually observed. Students will learn about the different vital signs, learn how to measure, document and recognize abnormalities within the vital signs measured.

Growth & Development Throughout the Lifespan

Clock Hours: 6 Lecture. Prerequisites: Body Structure & Function and Vital Signs.
During this course, the students will be taught the growth and developmental process from birth through end of life. Students will be able to recognize the different psychological needs at different stages of the life cycle. Students will learn about human sexuality and how this applies in health care settings. Students will learn about common mental health changes that occur with aging and how spiritual needs can be supported.

Personal Hygiene & Grooming

Clock Hours: 5 Lecture / 2 Lab. Prerequisites: Growth and Development throughout the Lifespan.
Patients have specific personal hygiene needs. Students will learn how appropriate grooming techniques are applied to assist the resident with their ADLs. Students will learn about personal hygiene needs and learn techniques on how to assist the patient with meeting these needs. Students will learn the importance of healthy urinary and bowel elimination patterns, and how to obtain specimens of each. Students will learn how to test for specific problems from these specimens. Students will learn about common disorders within the gastrointestinal tract, bowel disorders and common urinary disorders.

Nutrition & Fluid Intake/Output

Clock Hours: 6 Lecture / 2 Lab. Prerequisites: Personal Hygiene & Grooming.
Students will learn about proper nutrition and how nutrients help maintain homeostasis in the human body. Students will demonstrate knowledge of assisting residents with drinking of liquids, eating meals, setting up food trays and observing any refusals by the resident. Students will be able to recognize common dietary needs such as consistency alterations. Students will be able to demonstrate pre/post-operation cares regarding fluid intake and output measurements. Students will demonstrate the ability to obtain accurate blood pressures as they are assigned.

Wound, Surgery & Respiratory Care

Clock Hours: 6 Lecture / 2 Lab. Prerequisites: Nutrition and Fluid Intake/Output.
Students will learn about wounds, how they occur, how they are treated and how to prevent pressure ulcers. Students will review the respiratory system, understand the gas exchange in the lungs and at the cellular level. Students will be able to recognize oxygen demands in patients with common respiratory system disorders. Students will learn to report, document and assist the nurse in meeting these oxygen needs. Students will assist with the admission/ discharge process and learn what their role is during this process. Students will be able to assist the nurse with hot/cold applications, wound cares and physical examinations.

CPR & First Aid

Clock Hours: 5 Lecture / 4 Lab.
Students will learn Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation techniques. Students will be able to recognize the emergency when CPR may be necessary. Students will demonstrate CPR techniques on the adult mannequin and child mannequin. Students that successfully test & demonstrate these techniques will be certified at the end of this course.

Rehabilitation, Nursing, Body Disorders

Clock Hours: 8 Lecture / 4 Lab. Prerequisites: Wound Surgery and Respiratory Care.
During this course, students learn the difference between rehabilitation and restorative nursing. Students are able to apply rehabilitation techniques to the patient to return them to a prior level of ADL performance. Students using restorative nursing techniques will assist the resident to reach the highest ADL ability within the limits of their disabilities. Students will be able to identify common structural, health and aging disorders and how these disorders may limit the patient's ability to self-perform their ADLs.

Developmental Disabilities, End of Life Care and Mental Health Disorders

Students will understand and apply development theories and how interruptions in this development may lead to developmental disabilities. Students will understand the genetic problems that may occur prior to birth,injuries that may affect the development of the fetus or newborn, how injuries later in life may cause the person to stop the development process. Students will be able to recognize the difference between "growth" and "development". Students will be exposed to end of life concepts as defined by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross and how these concepts may be applied to the patient/family during end of life processes. Students will also explore their own work ethics and how this applies to the duties of a nursing assistant. Mental health disorders that are commonly seen in the residential facility are explored.

Clock Hurs awarded:            5 Lecture Hours, 1 Lab Hours award                                                  Prerequisite:                         Rehabilitation, Nursing and Body Disorder.

Clinical Externship

Clock Hours: 65 Clinical hours. Prerequisites: Successfully completing all previous courses and a minimum of 75% on all exams. Successfully completing all the laboratory competency demonstrations.
Students will observe, demonstrate and assist nursing home residents in affiliated facilities. Students will be supervised by their instructor and program assistant. Students are expected to safely demonstrate skills learned in the laboratory setting, apply knowledge gained from lectures and report/document any unusual patient events.

College of Health Careers

Somerton, AZ - Main Campus

950 E. Main Street, Building A
Somerton, AZ 85350
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Phone: (928) 315-7600

Havasu, AZ - Campus

1940 Mesquite
Havasu, AZ 85403
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Phone: (928) 453-9596
Fax: (928) 680-3435