Your Career as a Healthcare Professional Starts in Yuma!College of Health Careers students smiling
Program Catalog
This is the catalog for students who are entering RCBH College of Health Careers in fall 2020/2021. Please see below for the full list of programs. You can download the latest PDF file or browse through the catalog page.
Meet the Staff
More than 30 faculty and some 20 staff members serve the College of Health Careers. Our faculty hold advanced degrees from some of the most recognized institutions in the world, and they serve as leaders in a wide range of professional organizations in their fields of expertise.
College of Health Careers
950 E. Main Street, Building A
Somerton, AZ 85350
Phone: (928) 315-7600
Fax: (928) 627-1013

Great Seal of The State of Arizona, 1912 Licensed

The Regional Center for Border Health, Inc./College of Health Careers is licensed by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education as a Vocational Training Center and the Arizona State Board of Nursing. The College of Health Careers provides Allied Health Vocational Training & Certificate Programs for entry-level healthcare occupations.

Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools Logo Accredited

We are Nationally Accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools. We are an approved testing site for the National Restaurant Association, ServSafe, American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Direct Care Worker (DCW), American Heart Association, and PR & 1st Aid.

Department of Veterans Affairs LogoDepartment of Veterans Affairs

Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. / College of Health Careers is proud to announce that the College of Health Careers is now approved to provide Veteran Services through the GI Bill®. 

Individuals who are veteran’s; the VA can help them cover the cost of furthering their education and skills through benefits to pay for tuition, housing, training, and other expenses related to their education.  VA education and training benefits are provided through the U.S Department of Veteran’s Affair.  

Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. / College of Health Careers welcomes all veterans to apply and use their veteran’s education benefits towards on the job training programs offered.

Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. LogoRegional Center for Border Health, Inc.

RCBH and Subsidiaries SLWIC Rural health clinic and Main Street Café, chosen as the Best in South Yuma County.

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